Talking about what special pipette tip are there


1, Extra tips are tips that are specially planned with […]

1, Extra tips are tips that are specially planned with regard to extra samples or perhaps extra application.The first has the following categories: first, gel tips (also called spotting tips): tips that are flat or very fine and first used for electrophoresis tests, second, wide mouth tips: tips that have a larger caliber than the general tips and first used for pipetting macromolecule solutions such as proteins, and third, low adsorbing tips: the inner walls of such tips are extremely treated to reduce surface adsorption,Can be used to pipette viscous liquid; fourth category is the lengthening of the pipette tip: first for liquid withdrawal inside a container such as a volumetric flask; fifth category is the exteriorized piston tip: first for exteriorized piston pipette and continuous dispenser on an extraordinary pipette.

2, Suitability of pipette tips.
This point about the suitability of the pipette tip is a point of increasing interest among current users, why?Because not all tips are available in any brand of pipette of the appropriate range, we must be careful by our users when buying tips.First we can understand the suitability of the tips in terms of the following aspects: first, the specificity of the tips.Some brands of some series of pipettes apply only tips to which it is self fitting and others do not.For example, the multichannel pipette must be primed with its own lts tip, and second, the extent to which the tip fits.Most often, a single pipette can be adapted with a wide range of tips, but the effect of pipetting after loading different tips varies.Overall, the best fit tips still worked, although some brands did.Third, the tip and pipette scale are to be adapted.Generally, the pipette volume is greater than or equal to the full scale of the pipette, such that a 200ul pipette can be used in the 20 -, 100 -, and 200ul pipettes, and fourth, the specificity of bulk pipette (5ml, 10ml, and 20ml) pipettes.Large numbers of pipettes of each large pipette brand generally require a pipette tip to which they are dispensed, making it difficult to find alternatives.So, assuming that we need to acquire tips, it is advisable to inform our suppliers of the type of tips to which they apply or at least the type of pipette brand to cover that we use.

3, Biological contamination.
An increasing number of users are now pleading for tips RNase free, DNase free, DNA free, pyrogen free and ATP contaminated.This is a good picture, but two more points have to be suggested: first, high-temperature sterilized tips do not completely guarantee the absence of biological contamination, and processes such as gamma ray treatment are required to guarantee the absence of biological contamination.So, it is almost impossible for users themselves to process the general tips into tips without biological contamination, and the acquired boxed tips without biological contamination were to supply the corresponding certificates, which indicated the viewing data of the corresponding items.The absence of data on certificates, and perhaps even of tips without certificates, is the impossibility of proving completely contamination free, and second, bagging tips is more incapable of guaranteeing non biological contamination.The tips have the potential for biological contamination simply by contacting the air, and self sealing bags in general cannot guarantee that the tips do not contact the air at all during the storage process. Apart from this, self sealing bags happen when the tips are punctured.Thus, assuming you have higher requirements for tips, it is imperative to learn to the supplier when buying whether tips are not certificates with the corresponding items indicated to view the data.

4, With filter cartridge tips.
With filter cartridges the tip is that there is a filter cartridge (white in general) at the upper end of the tip.This filter cartridge is generally made of polypropylene and resembles the filter tip configuration of cigarettes.Because of this filter cartridge, the pipetted sample cannot enter the inside of the pipette and then acts to protect the pipette components from contamination and corrosion and, more importantly, also to guarantee that there is no cross contamination between samples.So, tips with filter cartridges are also one priority for moving volatile and corrosive samples.Of course, for common tips, the price of tips with filter cartridges is relatively high.