The difference of pipette, pipette and content pipette


Pipette and pipette are necessary glassware commonly us […]

Pipette and pipette are necessary glassware commonly used in laboratory. Now the name of pipette has gradually disappeared. It has been replaced by a multi-scale pipette. However, for the sake of difference, this paper is still called a pipette. Many people say that the pipette with scale is called pipette, and the pipette with glass belly is called pipette, is that right?
As we all know, when it is required to accurately remove a certain volume of solution, pipettes of various capacities can be used. Commonly used pipettes are 10 ml, 25 ml, and 50 ml. In the middle of the pipette is an expanded ball, with a thin neck above and below, and a marking line is engraved on the upper end. At a certain temperature, the capacity between the mark of pipette and the outlet of lower end is constant.
In addition, there is a graduated pipette, which has no ball in the middle, which is generally called a pipette. It can be used to suck liquid below 10ml. Each pipette is marked with its capacity and service temperature.
What about the pipette? What does it look like? How to define it? What is the difference in appearance between pipettes and ordinary pipettes? What are the specific uses? Today, let's talk about the difference between the three!

What are the differences in the definitions of pipettes, pipettes and content pipettes?
1. Pipette is the fat belly pipette. The commonly used pipettes are 1ml, 2ml, 5ml, 10ml, 15ml, 25ml and 50ml. They are necessary measuring instruments in quantitative test.

Similar length of content pipette and belly pipette

2. The pipette is a graduated pipette and a graduated glass tube.The commonly used pipettes are 1ml, 2ml, 5ml, 10ml and other specifications.
3. Content measurement pipette refers to the volume of all the liquid in the pipette is consistent with the scale.The usual pipette scale is marked by the volume of "effluent" fluid, which is suitable for solutions that are not normally viscous.For viscous liquids, because there is a lot of residual on the inner wall of the tube, the scale marked on the tube is generally the total volume in the tube.Generally, the inner wall of the pipette is flushed with solvent after aspiration, so the scale of the content pipette indicates a slightly smaller volume than the commonly used "external capacity" formula.
4. Before transferring the solution with a pipette or pipette, absorb the water inside and outside the tip with a filter paper, and then rinse with the solution to be removed 2-3 times to ensure that the concentration of the solution to be removed remains unchanged.When removing the solution, the lower tip is inserted into the solution 1-2 cm to absorb the solution. When the liquid level of the absorbed solution rises above the scale, the pipette is proposed. The solution outside the end of the pipette is removed with a clean filter paper. The solution is slowly lowered to the scale of the pipette. Then the pipette is inserted into the container to accept the solution, and the end of the pipette is still on the inner wall of the container.At this time, the pipette should be vertical, the undertaking vessel tilted, so that the solution in the tube naturally all left along the wall, wait 10-15 seconds, take out the pipette.

"Blow" and "Don't Blow"
Pipettes and Graduated pipettes are generally marked with four symbols: fast, A', B and blow.
1. Write "Quick" or "B" to indicate: You see that the liquid has been put out, wait three seconds, and the amount of liquid transferred will reach the indicated volume of liquid.
2. As opposed to "fast", it is the tube that says "A": This kind of tube is generally very expensive and more precise. After seeing the liquid transfer is finished, it needs another 15 seconds to let the pipette leave the vessel wall.
3. The word "blowing" means: when the drainage is over, the residual liquid column at the tip of the pipette needs to be blown into the container with an earwash ball to reach the target volume.This section of the liquid column can generally reach 0.1 - 0.3 ml, or is a large amount, we must pay attention to, otherwise the volume error will be too large.
4.A"tubes rarely have"blowing"- those with"blowing"are generally"B"or"fast".

Pipette and pipette distinction
Specification: Because pipettes have only a few fixed specifications, their use is limited.Pipette can be basically taken at will, so it is widely used.In addition, depending on the accuracy of your experimental requirements, the selection of appropriate pipettes for general analysis experiments can also meet the requirements.
Scale: suction tube with full scale, pipette with full scale only.The pipette is prone to error in operation.Pipette belongs to one-time operation with small error.
Accuracy: the pipette with scale, the pipette with glass belly, also known as single standard tube, pipette is more accurate than the pipette.Especially when removing 20 or 25 mL volume of solution, it is necessary to take several times with a calibrated pipette with large error.Use a pipette for one time!
Measuring out and measuring in: A measuring device used by a pipette to accurately remove a certain volume of solution.A pipette is a measuring instrument used only to measure the volume of the solution it releases.The pipette is a graduated straight glass tube that knows the volume of the liquid being measured.According to JJG196-2006, the type mark on the pipette: Input type: In; Output type: Ex; Blow out type: Blow out.
Pipette is precise and complicated to use; Pipette is rough and easy to use.So labs need to use them in different situations.
Because pipettes have only a few fixed specifications, their use is limited.Pipette can be basically taken at will, so it is widely used.In addition, depending on the accuracy of your experimental requirements, the selection of appropriate pipettes for general analysis experiments can also meet the requirements.