With the continuous changes in market demand, medicinal […]
With the continuous changes in market demand, medicinal bottle caps gradually have more diversified functions on the basis of sealing, such as moisture resistance. This special cover is mainly used for medicines that require high moisture resistance, such as effervescent tablets and candy pressed tablets. So, what is its design principle?
Generally, medicines that need moisture-proof preservation will place desiccant inside the package. The common way is to place the bag desiccant inside the medicinal plastic bottle. The moisture-proof medicinal bottle cap utilizes the space at the top of the bottle cap, and a small medicine compartment is designed on the top of the cap to store silica gel and molecular sieve desiccant. Such a design saves space on the one hand, and at the same time avoids the risk of children accidentally swallowing the desiccant.
The desiccant selected for this lid is mainly based on silica gel, molecular sieve or an equal proportion mixture of the two. The main component of silica gel desiccant is a highly active adsorption material, which can absorb up to 40% of its own weight of water vapor, It can be used in direct contact with medicines and food. The pore size of molecular sieves can be controlled by different processing techniques. In addition to adsorbing water vapor, it can also adsorb other gases.