How to install sharp tool box correctly


Sharp tool box is used to place used needles, scalp nee […]

Sharp tool box is used to place used needles, scalp needles and other harmful medical waste containers. Raw materials should be made of materials that are not easy to be broken, and there are warning signs on the surface. Choose the right tool box. According to the relevant regulations, when 3 / 4 of the items in the sharp tool box are full, the box cover should be closed in time. The long time shall not exceed 48 hours, which shall be collected by the recovery unit on the same day for centralized disposal. According to the needs of the Department, select the appropriate size of the sharp box to prevent spoiling.
Set up the sharp tool box correctly. The box body is butted with the box cover and pressed down to form a whole. The top cover of the box can be closed clockwise or clockwise. Some nurses often because of careless operation, safety protection awareness is not strong, but when encountering the patient's Secret illness, the needle contaminated by the unknown virus stabbed the skin, can not timely symptomatic treatment, seriously endangering life safety, regret is too late. Closing the dangerous goods in the sharp tool box in time is like closing the disaster valve, leaving the word "safety". Good habits in work should be strictly observed by everyone to maintain their own safety together and ensure the safety of other people's lives.

Installation of sharp tool box: butt the box body with the box cover and press it down to install it as a whole. The top cover of the box can be closed clockwise or clockwise.