Precautions for maintenance of pipette


Maintenance precautions Calibration can be carried out […]

Maintenance precautions
Calibration can be carried out by weighing distilled water several times in 20-25 degree environment.
The liquid gun with liquid suction shall not be placed horizontally, and the liquid in the gun head is easy to contaminate the gun interior, which may cause the spring rust of the gun. After each experiment, the scale of the liquid gun shall be adjusted to the maximum, so that the spring can return to the prototype to extend the service life of the liquid gun.
Add: a little volatile liquid that is easy to be ignored in normal use, especially concentrated hydrochloric acid, trifluoroacetic acid, acetic acid, etc. do not use a pipette to suck the liquid, to avoid the corrosion of springs and rubber pads by volatile materials.
Volatile liquid can buy gun head with filter element.

Method of pipetting
One is forward pipetting.
Press the button with your thumb to the first stop, and then slowly release the button back to the origin. Then press the button to the first stop point to discharge the liquid, and then press the button to the second stop point to blow out the residual liquid. Finally release the button.
The other is reverse pipetting.
This method is generally used to transfer high viscosity liquid, biological active liquid, easily foaming liquid or very small amount of liquid. Its principle is to first inhale more than the set range of liquid, and when transferring the liquid, there is no need to blow out the residual liquid. First, press the button to the second stop point, and slowly release the button to the origin. Then press the button to the first stop point to discharge the set range liquid, keep holding the button at the first stop point (never press down again), remove the gun head with residual liquid and discard it.